Wednesday, January 7, 2015

30 Paintings In 30 Days Challenge Day No. 7 Scarlet Tanager by Mary Beth Brath

Scarlet Tanager by Mary Beth Brath

I have taken the challenge by Leslie Saeta to complete 30 paintings in 30 days. Each painting will be 6x6" on canvas paper. I picked a theme of birds to keep me focused. The 30 birds chosen as subject matter are all birds that I have spotted over the years. Most are common in my region.
Painting No. 7
I remember the first time a saw a Scarlet Tanager like it was yesterday. It was in the late 1980s and I was bird watching off of my parents' deck. This streak of flaming red flew over the porch and into the neighbor's tree. When I focused my binoculars on the bird, I thought for sure it was loose from an exotic pet store (ok...I was a teenager then). I ran in the house to tell of my discovery. After I researched the bird, I couldn't believe it was common. I have only seen 4 or 5 since that day.
The paintings are available for purchase at $100 each - unframed. Shipping included. Sales tax of 6% if in the state of Pennsylvania. Contact me at


  1. This is a lovely painting, Mary. I love the bright and bold colors that you have chosen for your other bird paintings too.

  2. Thank you for stopping by the blog to comment Jiyoung. Most of my paintings are filled with saturated color. Tomorrow's bird will be an Indigo Bunting.
