Friday, January 2, 2015

30 Paintings In 30 Days Challenge Day No. 2 - "A Little Night Music" (Whip-Poor-Will) by Mary Beth Brath

A Little Night Music (Whip Poor Will) by Mary Beth Brath

I have taken the challenge by Leslie Saeta to complete 30 paintings in 30 days. Each painting will be 6x6" on canvas paper. I picked a theme of birds to keep me focused. The 30 birds chosen as subject matter are all birds that I have spotted over the years. Most are common in my region.
Painting No. 2
Ahh Yes - that lovely sound as evening falls in Hemlock Valley. Many people do not know about the Whip-Poor-Will. This robin sized bird is nocturnal and during the day he is camouflaged in a pattern resembling tree bark and foliage. At dusk, if you are lucky, you will hear his lovely call that sounds like he is saying "whip poor will". Guests of our family cabin in North Western PA have enjoyed whip poor wills for over 30 years now. I have never actually seen the bird. Last year while hiking near our cabin, I startled a bird out of the leaves on the ground that quickly flew away. At the time I thought maybe it was a quail or even grouse. Now looking back, it could have been a whip poor will. I only caught a glimpse of him as he flew through the branches. Hmmm. Maybe this year.
The paintings are available for purchase at $100 each - unframed. Shipping included. Sales tax of 6% if in the state of Pennsylvania. Contact me at


  1. This is wonderful! Love the mood of it :)

    1. Thank you Tammie. It was a joy to paint. I am so happy to be a part of the 30 Day Challenge.
